Accessing Multiple Databases From a Spring Boot Application

3 min readJul 8, 2021


Photo by Jan Antonin Kolar on Unsplash

When developing any application, it’s quite common to have to access multiple databases. Out of the box, Spring Boot provides easy access to a single datasource, in the simplest case just by specifying the JDBC driver on the class path!

Accessing multiple databases however, is still straightforward with Spring Boot. This article shows how to connect to two different MySql datasources from a Spring Boot application.

To showcase how to connect to to different databases, consider a products database and a customer database, with the following simplistic schema and data.

Database One — Products Database


create table PRODUCT(id integer, name varchar(255));


insert into PRODUCT(id, name) values (1, 'XBox');

Database Two — Customer Database


create table CUSTOMER(id integer, name varchar(255));


insert into CUSTOMER(id, name) values (1, 'Daphne Jefferson');

To access the databases, we need to declare a JdbcTemplate for each database. In Spring, JdbcTemplates are created from a DataSource which has a set of connection properties (url, username, password etc.)

public class DataSourceConfig {
DataSource customerDataSource() {
return DataSourceBuilder.create().build();
DataSource productDataSource() {
return DataSourceBuilder.create().build();
JdbcTemplate customerJdbcTemplate(@Qualifier("customerDataSource")DataSource customerDataSource) {
return new JdbcTemplate(customerDataSource);
JdbcTemplate productJdbcTemplate(@Qualifier("productDataSource")DataSource productDataSource) {
return new JdbcTemplate(productDataSource);

In the above code we can see that a @Configuration bean has been declared that defines a customerDatasource and a customerJdbcTemplate. Each of these beans are annotated with the @Qualifier('customer...') to identify them as relating to the customer database.

Similarly, the above code defines a productDataSource and a productJdbcTemplate. Again these are annotated with @Qualifier('product...') to identify them as relating to the product database.

Finally, each DataSource Bean is annotated with the @ConfigurationProperties(prefix="...datasource") annotation. This tells Spring Boot what properties within the file should be used for connecting to each database. The file therefore looks like the following:

product.datasource.url = jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/dbOne
product.datasource.username = user1
product.datasource.password = password
product.datasource.driverClassName = com.mysql.jdbc.Driver
customer.datasource.url = jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/dbTwo
customer.datasource.username = user2
customer.datasource.password = password
customer.datasource.driverClassName = com.mysql.jdbc.Driver

Now that we’ve seen how to create a DataSource and JdbcTemplate, the JdbcTemplate can be injected into a @Repository for use, e.g.

public class CustomerRepository {
private static final String SELECT_SQL = "select NAME from CUSTOMER where ID=?";
JdbcTemplate customerJdbcTemplate;
public String getCustomerName(int id) {
String name = customerJdbcTemplate.queryForObject(SELECT_SQL, new Object[] {id}, String.class);
return name;

Again, note the use of the @Qualifier annotation to specify which JdbcTemplate is required for the different repositories.

The ProductRepository is similarly written to access the productJdbcTemplate

public class ProductRepository {

private static final String SELECT_SQL = "select NAME from PRODUCT where ID=?";
JdbcTemplate productJdbcTemplate;

public String getProductName(int id) {
String name = productJdbcTemplate.queryForObject(SELECT_SQL, new Object[] {id}, String.class);

return name;

With a few simple steps, Spring Boot allows us to easily connect to multiple databases when using JdbcTemplates.




Written by David

Full Stack Web Developer, Lover of the Cloud

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